Additions, corrections, and/or expansions are welcome...
Term, Definition and Comment
ABOArea Beautification Operation/s
Landscaping, Gardening, painting rocks
Activities and Clubs
See Social Activities
Offered as stress relief, but more commonly viewed as another opportunity for
Adjutant's Pace
120 steps per minute (precisely) To keep the body fit, and the time
between points shorter
Uncontrolled laughter, smiling, grinning.Usually in response to First Class one
on one dialog, make that Monologue
Cooperate and Graduate
The only sure mantra for success in OCS
1. Process whereby First Class would "plant" pieces of the answer to a problem,
then charge a Second Class to solve the problem, thus promoting stress and a
desperate effort to "cooperate"
2. A system essential to graduating, forced the identification and efficient use of
individual skills against common problems, like academics
First Class
Officer Candidate status for the last three months of training. Point at which
you forgot how it was to be "Second Class"
Vernacular, usually reserved for Aviation Cadet trainees. Noted for their general
lack of style/military bearing, discipline, and frequent inability to return a salute
Hiding from training
Thinly veiled attempts to avoid confrontation with members of the
First Class. An art form practiced by most, but success achieved by few. Those
who succeeded usually promoted to vaulted positions on transition to First Class
Lock your eyeballs
Term used by First Class when noting a Second Class candidate looking anywhere
but straight ahead. Self explanatory
An Officer Candidate at rest. Never permitted; and when observed invariably
drew SDR's
A term of endearment used by all First Class to address members of the Second
On the wall
A directive, peculiar to OCS, and not in the Air Force list of commands,
which meant stand at attention with the heels of your shoes touching the wall
behind you. Probably used as a safety tool to prevent injury to Officer Candidates
who might accidentally fall backwards while being instructed or queried by one
or more members of the First Class
Pea PickerTBD
Peer Ratings
A highly sophisticated process of individual evaluation performed by each
member of the group on all of the others. A highly biased, cruel, inhumane and
generally defective way to determine the performance of peers. As administered by
OCS, assured the loss of many exceptionally qualified Officer Candidates.
PT Physical Training. A rigorous EARLY morning round of running, pushups, sit-ups
and pull-ups which began at dark and started every working day - Never participated
in by the Commissioned Staff
S ? Discrepancy Reports. All Second Class Officer Candidates were required to
carry small forms on their persons, readily available for documenting infractions
1. Carefully documented incidents of a Second Class (and only Second Class)
candidate's failure to meet the high standards of discipline and bearing required by
the officer corps
2. A magnificent example of what can go wrong when human nature runs amok
3. Usually worked off on Saturday mornings, instead of visiting spouse or some
other frivolous pastime - like studying
Second Class
Officer Candidate status for the first three months of training
As in; "You'll always be Second Class"
Showing Emotion(See "Bubbling)
SIESelf Initiated Elimination. Withdrawing, "without prejudice" from the Officer Candidate
Social Activities
Social forums created to provide opportunities for rest and relaxation
Actually--highly structured and formal mechanisms for evaluation Victorian
courtesies; extended opportunities for Commissioned Staff and First Class
evaluation; and a way to rope the spouses into the "discipline and deportment"
expected of the Officer Corps
Square MealsEating while sitting at attention, neither looking left nor right, except to
respond directly to First Class. A damn hard way to eat, somewhat stress prone,
but certainly NOT hazing
The Honor Code
A code of honor, that, simply stated: An officer candidate will not lie, cheat
or steal, nor permit it of others. Not a bad code. On the other hand, any code, when
administered without justice and wisdom can become a tool for evil.
Tiger Pit?
Unauthorized Item
Any item not specifically authorized to be in the possession of an
Example:The paper protectors used on hanger wires over which you put
uniform pants.
White GloveUsed to inspect for cleanliness
1.Nominally, wiping up dirt brought in by First Class on shoes, then attributed to
Second Class lack of sanitation and cleanliness
2. A major source of pride for all graduates, and a respected sign of quality military
discipline and bearing
Woolly Boggers